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Vol 8: Tomorrow Will Come

"I have no idea where I'm going to be tomorrow. But I accept the fact that tomorrow will come. And I'm going to rise to meet it." - Donna Troy AKA Wonder Girl

As an over-thinker, I tend to always think of the endless possibilities and outcomes that can happen in the future, especially when I have a decision to make or when I'm worried about something. I tend to always think of the negative possibilities and outcomes instead of the positive ones, which is horrible. I came to the realization that, that is no way to think about what's to come. As I am gearing up to graduate from college in December, I am face with closing one chapter and opening up a new one. This new chapter is filled with uncertainty, I am unsure where I will land to start on my career, I am unsure how I will get there, and I am unsure if I will be okay. When I was coming to college, I was still uncertain of what was coming, but at least I was okay with that uncertainty. I was in college, I was living on campus and had various of opportunities to take advantage of, with the help of other around me, but now it's different, I am embarking on this new journey alone.

In the state that we are in as a society, as a nation, with what is going on due to COVID-19, there is a lot of uncertainty going on with everyone. But you know what, that's okay. It's okay that somethings are still unknown, it's okay that I am not fully certain where I am going to be, because as long as I have tomorrow, I have the chance to rise to the occasion and do something. Negative outcomes are not the only outcomes, so I cant always harp on those. I am a true believer that things happen for a reason, no matter good or bad, it happened so I can learn from it and be rewarded to progress from it. The quote above from Donna Troy AKA Wonder Girl, speaks on that perfectly. If you are a person who continues to rise to the occasion then you will be fine. No matter what tomorrow brings, you will be there to take it and handle it. I will be there to take it and handle it.



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"You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"

- Storm

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