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Vol 6: Friends Talk Comics

I always seem to venture out to new things that turn out to be a new interest of mine or hobby, and sometimes my friends don't have the same interest but always support me with my latest hobby. When I started on this journey into the comic book world, none of my current friends were into comics at all. My best friend is into anime but that's different from comic book. We were able to still share our interest together and teach each other about our separate interest worlds, which is partly why we started our own podcast Nerd Owt, but its not the same feeling as when you talk to someone who is in the same 'world' as you. When you do, you get so hype comparing notes and takes on the books, characters, movies, etc, and get excited when new stuff is announced. Through this journey I've been fortunate enough to meet new friends who share the same interest as me and who have been fans for way longer than I have.

I sat down with my friend and old roommate, Charde Davis, to talk about her love for comics. We reminisced on how we meet and found out we were both into comics. Its my junior year of college and I have already moved in to my new dorm room, waiting on my roommate to move in, someone who I didn't know barely talked to over the summer. My things, such as my comic posters and books are already hanged and put up on my side of the room. Charde moves in and settles in. After a while, we were already talking about different things and then she mentions the comic stuff she seen in our room and from there, the rest is history. She has been a fan of comics before I was and has a lot of ties to it. When asked why and how she became a comic book fan, she said "well I've seen the different movies that were in theaters and fell in love with the characters, from there I started buying the books to see more of the characters in action and to know there stories." From there she still continues. We both champion for the female characters and are always finding new characters to stan. So I asked her the importance of the presence of women in comic books, "seeing women, especially black women, as these action and powerful beings means something. Its not only shows to those who don't know but confirms that women are just a great and powerful as men and to show little ones growing up of the power that is within them." It was the representation for us.

Sharing the same interest as someone is so great because conversations like this are so fulling to have. To know that someone understands and has the same excitement and joy you have over the same interest is the best feeling. I am constantly meeting more female friends who are also interested in comics and I am excited to meet many more.



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- Storm

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