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Vol 21: Girl Groups Assemble

Wassup crew and welcome back! As I am gearing up to hit play on my bookstore runs again, I started to think and anticipate all the books I want to get and right now I want to focus on getting books where there are an group of girls come together and are kicking ass! For sure more A-Force comics from Marvel and some of the baddies over at DC Comics, the Gotham City Sirens, just to name a couple. So in honor of that, I wanted to highlight one my favorite hero fighting groups in comics.

From the DC corner of things, the Birds of Prey are the ones and not the twos. Historically, the members have been meta-human scream goddess Black Canary, purple archer Huntress, and the all knowing Oracle (aka Batgirl). In the beginning, it was just the Canary and Oracle when Black Canary would be out fighting and Oracle would be at home base. As the years gone by and many revamps and variations, have added many other memorable members to the group who have come and who have gone, but those three have been the staple core of the group. They have gone on many missions to serve justice around the globe, that had have many twist and turns that always keep me on the edge of my seat while reading and I can not wait to get more of them!

First of all let me just say that Dinah Lance, aka Black Canary is one of my favorite dc characters every. Her sonic scream that can kill and from her very impressive and killer combat moves just made me stan (and also the fact that Jurnee Smollett plays her in the movie), Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, is a rebel after my own heart, and Oracle, Barbara Gordon, is smart and can fight so whats up?! Anyway, my point is that the girls here are no joke and I love reading new stories with them in it.

A few summers ago, I checked out all the Birds of Prey books in the library and have been on the hunt for them to actually purchase them, but they have been hard to find and a bit overpriced but I'm done waiting to have these in my collection, so its time to hit buy finally.

That's it for this week, thanks for reading! See you back here next week, I am going to make room on my bookshelf.......



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- Storm

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