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Vol 15: I Would Like To See It....

Hey friends, how y'all doing?

This week had me thinking a lot about how some of my comic favs who have yet to be in any live adaptions of these comic houses movies or television shows. I know that sometimes rights and other legal things can stand in the way of some making there way to a screen, BUT SOMETIMES, its more that they are overlooked and not mentioned in the conversation to try to bring them in their respective universes and I'm hurt. These powerful characters need their own shine when it comes to stepping out of the pages and onto our screens. There is a very long list of female characters that I would like to see come to life, but I'll just share one and that would be over in the DC Universe (if that's even still a thing.....anyway chile) and it my girl Zatanna!

Zatanna Zatara was a professional stage magician, doing simple illusions for amusement for others and entertainment, until she realized her simple illusions were more than that and that she actually has magical powers. She is able to manipulate reality and has mastered her abilities of mystical and cosmic forces, such as black magic, dimensional travel, flight, healing, and so much more, because basically she is THAT girl, okay. Also, when performing one of her many spells, she says it backwards, as it only works when she does that, who you know that speaks backwards fluently?...........huh thoughts so.

Now I know that Zatanna has been featured on a few DC animated cartoons (and I'm not counting the three episodes she was on Smallville just no), but I thinks its about time for her to make her way to the live action part of things. She is after all a member of the Justice League, Justice League Dark, and the Seven Soldiers or Victory, plus her own origin story/background, so the content is there. There are also many actors I believe can take on this role and kill it, like Amandla Stenberg, I think she would body the role, but that's only one I will name for now but the list goes one. Who do you think can also play Zatanna? Comment down below!

My point is, I hope to see more female characters come to the screen in a major way and not only as side members. A lot of female characters stories need that same light and I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT.

That's all for this week you guys, see y'all next week, I'm going to go re-read Black Canary & Zatanna : Bloodspell.



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