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Vol 11: Time to Reflect

The time has come, the time of reflection. We've reached the ending of the year and its usually the time many take to reflect on the past year as we prepare for the new year. I wanted to take the time to reflect on this blog, my blog, Femme Thee Comic. Starting this blog has been such an great experience and an experience I did not knew I needed. Creating an outlet for me to nerd out about all things comic books and female characters, and to create a platform for others to enjoy has been such a pleasure.

Each week, being presented with a certain theme to talk about has been great because I was able to uncover many hidden features of the female perspective in comics that have had such an impact on my life these past few years. I was able to recognize how relatable some characters are and also to apply some lessons to my life as well. It also reminded me of how much I was able to grow as a person as I connected with others with the same interest. With each post each week, I uncovered and discovered so much that made each post better as it came along.

Femme Thee Comic has a place in my heart and I am excited to continue on this journey. For the remainder of the year I will be taking time to de-stress, relax and regroup, as graduation and the holidays are coming up, so there wont be any new post until the new year. I am going to take this time to recharge and then be able to come back FRESH as ever with new post, new content, and just more new things (such as a book club!), so be ready cause in 2021, Femme Thee Comic is coming HARD!

See Y'all In the New Year !!

xoxo, Megan



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"You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"

- Storm

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