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Vol 3: Thee Connection Power

Since my journey in the comic book world, I have always known that it is a male dominated world, not only are the consumers and the fan bases, but also in the characters that are created. The male characters are almost always the lead character who get the clear backstory, who are looked at as the most powerful and are always in leader positions on teams. Also, not to forget that these main male characters are white males, only a handful are people of color. It tends to be that the female characters always have their shine dim and overlooked, when they actually are, if not the same, powerful as their male counterparts. I knew once embarking on this journey into the comic world I wanted to find women, most importantly women of color at the forefront of these stories and adventures and learn their beginnings.

Representation matters and what comes with representation comes relatability. See these female characters who look like me, have the same hair as m, goes through the same struggle as me, makes me feel seen and not alone. This is how role models are formed in minds, how inspiration comes and the ease of feeling not alone in the world. Making the conscious decision of buying comic books that focus on and have a woman of color as their lead has been the best spending decision I have made. Doing so has led me to discover new stories of characters I already know of and of course led me to discover whole new characters that have become my new favorite.

In 2019, DC Comics introduced a brand-new superhero character named Naomi. She is black girl, with dreads, who lives in a small town but begins to discover her powerful origins. In the first ever volume of Naomi deals with her emotions of her always feeling different from others her whole life and feeling alone. Throughout the story she learns that she is adopted and is from another planet and that she has powers. This hit her so hard but by the end all she learned and went through made her feel complete and made her stronger. Though I am not adopted and not from anther planted with superhero powers, I still felt the same throughout my life of feeling different from others and alone. Of course I have grown and went through my own experiences that have made me a stronger person and found people who understand me, reading this story of Naomi took me back to my past experiences and made me relate to a character that has become my new favorite and has me anticipating book two.

The power relating and connecting to theses characters we see is major and important for kids, teen, and even adults. You really love to see it!



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"You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"

- Storm

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