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Vol 2: Nerd Talk 101

Welcome to this weeks lesson, nerds!

This week we will be covering some basics of the comic world. Before moving in deep into anything, you will need to know some common lingo to understand what is being said and have some knowledge when engaging in a conversation. Just as how it is very important to know what is a hero and what is a villain. A hero is what you will classify as a good person, they are the protagonist of the book who fights and protect the people of their world. While the villain is the bad person, the person who wants to be in control and dictates the world. Of course the hero and the villain are always at odds. Knowing this information is a great starting block.

Now, lets move on to some other terms. Who is a person that doesn't align with the perfect case of what is good or bad? that would be an anti-hero. This person does not like to be referred to as a hero or a villain but just a person who goes by their own judgement that can go against the grain.

Those are the main categories you can place a character but what sets them apart is who they are are. Lets take a look at Marvel Comics, they have characters from all over the place and its important to know where some of their popular characters are from. One of the biggest groups are the mutants. Some of them are in the X-Men (heroes) or in the Brotherhood of Evil (villains), or they are a part of neither. Mutants are humans with a scientific gene that gives them special powers on earth. Then we have the inhuman. These are humans whose ancestors stem from an alien race, the Kree. They can be either heroes or villains. Its impossible to go through all the different groups and other classifications in one post (stay tuned for next time) but theses are the most popular.

Finally, the distinction of issues and volumes. An Issue is a singular chapter and a volume is a collection of issues. So in other words, a collection of issues makes up a volume. Sometimes, the word book is used instead of volume but it basically the same.

This should help get you started and understand basic terms you will typically hear when discussing comics. Watch out for my book on ALL the terms and lingo for comic coming in 2023, cause it's a lot.



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- Storm

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