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Vol 14: February Spotlight: Misty Knight

Welcome back to the blog nwerds! This week I am introducing thee spotlight feature here on Femme Thee Comics. This new feature will be a monthly shine and appreciation for a beloved character or event. Some of these characters will be known and some may not be as well know by many, but hey that's the point, to give the proper recognition they deserve and for more to know about how sweet and badass they are. The very first spotlight shine this month goes to the incredible Misty Knight.

Marvel Comics Misty Knight was a lieutenant for the NYPD until she was trying to get rid of a bomb from a terrorist attack that took her right arm. She was put on desk duty and was very displeased, so she left. Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, heard of her incident and saw how much she helped the people of New York and made her a bionic arm and also gaining super strength. Misty made many connections with other heroes, like Iron Fist , Daredevil, and Luke Cage, and also aided with many of other Marvel's super teams such as the Avengers and the X-Men.

Upon leaving her job with NYPD, she went on to start her own private investigating services, Knightwing Restorations, Ltd, with no other than well train baddie and samurai Colleen Wing and together they formed the crime fighting duo, The Daughters of the Dragon, which in 2018 was digitally published with limited physical copies (which was just purchased by me and will be doing a review on soon.) As time went on and major events occurred, they shutdown the P.I business and went on to form the all new Heroes for Hire with Colleen, and having many other heroes join the team.

All around, this QUEEN named Misty Knight is a total bad ass who has been on the scene to save the world countless of times, stands up for her community and others like her, and will not go down with out a fight and she stay coming out on top! A true inspiration of mine and I cant wait to read more about her and so should you.

Get into with this Queen while I go make my cosplay outfit.......See you next week!



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- Storm

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